
Two teams play against each other. Players take turns as the "giver," who attempts to prompt his/her teammates to guess as many keywords (top, red words on cards) as possible in the allotted time. However, each card also has "taboo" (forbidden) words (black words on cards) listed which may not be spoken. Should the giver say one must move on to the next word. The giver may not say a part of a "taboo" word, nor may they use a form of a word, gestures, sounds, or drawings are not allowed. (...) While the giver is prompting the teammates they may make as many guesses as they want with no penalties for wrong guesses. Once the team correctly guesses the word exactly as written on the card, the giver moves on to the next word. (...) The playing team receives one point for correct guesses and one penalty point if "taboo" words are spoken.

- Wikipedia

AI-themed version of Taboo, released initially as a paper version at the PL in ML: Polish View on Machine Learning 2018. The cards have been handcrafted by the member of ML in PL Association or generated by AI based on Wikipedia articles about AI and ML. This online version was coded by Marek Wydmuch for ML in PL: Virtual Event 2020.